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Ruffer provides investment management services for institutions, pension funds, charities, financial planners and individual investors.
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103 boulevard Haussmann
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31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET

The rise and rise of passive investing

There are more passively managed assets than actively managed – what could this mean?
The Green Line
Duncan MacInnes
Fund Manager

Soon, for the first time ever, there will be more money managed passively than actively in the US. The rest of the world is not far behind.

A cynic might describe passive investing as ‘unthinking’, while adherents might prefer ‘rules-based’ or ‘low-cost’. Regardless, we are crossing a Rubicon. We will politely ignore the irony that every passive investment begins with an active decision as to which index or asset class one would like to passively mimic.

The primary assumption of passive investing is that markets efficiently assimilate all relevant information instantaneously and reflect it in share prices. Effectively, the wisdom of crowds ensures it is near impossible to consistently beat the market, particularly after frictional costs and fees.

What often goes unsaid is that passive investors piggyback off active investors. Their success relies upon active investors constantly assessing and re-pricing risks, with the cumulative ‘best guess’ of all participants accurately and quickly reflected in prices. Active investors’ efforts to capture mispricing are the reason why markets are efficient.

If active investors cease to be rewarded for their efforts by excess returns or management fees then who ensures prices and fundamentals do not diverge? Is there a limit as to how large passives can be before markets become inefficient?

Furthermore, most indices are market capitalisation weighted, giving larger companies chunkier benchmark weightings. This has many consequences: passive funds can be surprisingly concentrated around big stocks, and passive investors may find themselves focused in the fully grown, most mature companies.

Most perversely the passive investor is by definition forced to buy the mania – the more overvalued a company, the larger it will be as a proportion of the index.

A stark example of passive investing leading lambs to the slaughter was UK banks exceeding 20% of the index just before the financial crisis. At Ruffer we eschew benchmarks, and this afforded us the flexibility to own no UK banks in the lead up to the crisis, thereby saving our investors from significant losses. Today, it is technology stocks (eg Google and Amazon) which dominate the S&P, and once again we are happy to avoid them.

Duncan MacInnes
Fund Manager
Damned if they do… damned if they don’t
June 2018: Wage inflation in the US poses a growing problem for the Fed
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May 2018: Shrinking central bank balance sheets could undermine record asset prices
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April 2018: In the market sell-off this February, defensive assets failed to defend.

Chart source: EPFR Global, Bernstein

‘Washington, we have a problem’
July 2024: The cost of servicing US national debt is set to swallow an ever-greater share of the public purse over the coming years. To tackle the debt burden, governments are faced with an array of unpalatable choices – with higher inflation an increasingly likely side effect.
Investment Review
July 2024: Recent portfolio performance has, understandably, provoked questions from our clients and investors. These are broadly the same questions we have been asking ourselves, chief among which is: why are we comfortable owning a portfolio that feels so uncomfortable to hold? Jonathan Ruffer’s quarterly investment review seeks to answer that question, laying out the reasons for our conviction in a portfolio which can protect and grow capital as the market turns.
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Getting to the bottom of the dollar
Today, the dollar reigns supreme as the world’s principal reserve currency. But how did it reach this position? And how long can it stay there?
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET